About Marilyn

Some of my highlights
My Experience
Marilyn D. Landis is the President & CEO of Basic Business Concepts, Inc., a multifaceted service firm providing the support to keep businesses financially balanced, on track and growing. “We provide entrepreneurs access to affordable CFO-level skills that are customized to their unique business” The CFO focuses on strategy and risk and is the forward thinking financial resource to the management team. In this role, Landis has over fifteen years of experience working with small businesses across all industries nationwide, providing financial CFO leadership. Directly, and with her team, she has enabled clients to improve their financial resilience through sound financial planning, improved financial reporting, enhanced cash flow management and improved funding options.
Landis has over thirty years of experience in financial services. Prior to focusing on her own business she worked for and with commercial lenders, banks and small businesses throughout Western Pennsylvania. In her career, she has served as a financial consultant; headed training, consumer loans and mortgage departments; collected delinquent loans; and coordinated operations for a multi-bank merger. Marilyn has worked for three of the largest SBA lenders in the country – marketing, originating and underwriting SBA loans.
September of 2007, Landis was elected chair of SMC Business Councils, a founding member and Pennsylvania affiliate of the National Small Business Association (NSBA) in Washington DC. January of 2008, she was elected the 2008 chair of NSBA, who since its founding in 1937, has advocated on behalf of America’s entrepreneurs, reaching more than 150,000 small businesses. NSBA is proud to be the first national small-business advocacy organization in the United States. Representing SMC and NSBA member businesses, Landis has testified before US Senate and House committees on issues vital to small business. March of 2009, Landis was awarded The SBA National Financial Services Champion of the Year. August of 2010, she was appointed to the Office of the National Ombudsman Regulatory and Fairness Board and continues to serve in a second term.
Landis also has extensive Board level experience with nonprofits, ranging from non-profit economic development and social services agencies to for-profit manufacturers. She is currently serving in the role as Chairperson of the Board for the Lutheran Senior Life.